Creativity and innovation play pivotal roles in fostering growth and success for businesses in Namibia, according to Monique Cloete, the Managing Director of Liberty Life Namibia. Speaking at a breakfast event hosted by the Economist Businesswomen Club on September 15 at Am Weinberg, Cloete emphasized that these elements can drive transformative change in the country.

Cloete contended that expecting growth while repeating the same actions and anticipating different outcomes is akin to insanity. She shared a favorite phrase: “If I always do what I have always done, I will always get what I have already got.” With this in mind, she delved into the concept of creative innovation, defining it as the development of novel ideas, products, services, and solutions that result in something new.

Addressing the unique perspective women bring to creativity and innovation, Cloete highlighted women’s deeper insights into the market, their understanding of customers, and their attentive approach to listening. She urged women to tap into these skills, emphasizing the importance of creating a network of female role models. Acknowledging the challenges women face, such as networking difficulties and the juggling act of career and family responsibilities, Cloete stressed the need for a proactive approach to overcome these challenges.

According to Cloete, innovation is not limited to technological advancements; it is a mindset, a culture, and a commitment to doing things differently and smarter. She underscored the significance of fostering an environment that welcomes and nurtures creative ideas, emphasizing that creativity is the essence of progress and the foundation for building a better future.

Cloete asserted that creativity serves as a compass guiding individuals toward uncharted possibilities, impacting not only business but society as a whole. Encouraging women to challenge the status quo and explore new territories, she acknowledged the difficulty of this balancing act but emphasized its necessity.

To answer the question of why Namibian businesswomen should embrace innovation and creativity, Cloete highlighted their role in improving competitiveness and staying relevant as customer preferences evolve. She urged women to embrace and celebrate a culture of innovation, making it an integral part of their vision for the world they want to live in. In her concluding remarks, Cloete encouraged women to take a leap into the world of innovation, emphasizing the importance of not fearing change and celebrating innovation to stand out in a rapidly evolving world.