“Women now drive the world economy.” – Harvard Business Review.
In the next 30 years, wealth will definitively change hands, to the extent that women will be the holders of the world’s wealth.

“No matter how much you make, make sure you put a little away for rainy days, this is a must!”, according to Afra Schimming-Chase at the first 2023 Economist Businesswomen networking breakfast, held on 17 February at Droombos.

Financial Advisor, consultant, and speaker Schimming-Chase was the guest speaker at the breakfast and encouraged the ladies to try and make a difference in their communities.

Women are gaining power when it comes to money – here’s why that’s a big deal: As a market, women represent an opportunity bigger than China and India combined. They control $20 trillion in consumer spending, and that figure could reach $28 trillion in the next five years. “Women now drive the world economy.” – Harvard Business Review.
In the next 30 years, wealth will definitively change hands, to the extent that women will be the holders of the world’s wealth.

She said women can make a dollar go a long way and build wealth intentionally, for a reason. “Therefore go out there in your communities intentionally to make a difference, take a personal decision to change your environment. Let us not wait for the government to give us economic freedom, they fought for our physical independence, maybe it is time we fight for our economic freedom and not depend on them,” she advised.

“We are very diverse as women because we see the whole picture and because we get to choose how the world works for the next 30 years, let us make the change that we want to see in the world and not wait for others,” she reiterated. The message was clear that Schimming-Chase wanted to prepare the ladies at the breakfast, to take personal responsibility for their economic freedom and the economical freedom of everyone around them that a change will happen in the world. Host and organiser of the breakfast, Desere Muller reiterated Schimming-Chase’s words and said women control almost everything in the household. “Women control what food her family eats and what activities they do, therefore we can make a difference around us, for the better” she emphasised.

The sponsor of the breakfast, Stanlib gifted a lucky lady with a self-care hamper worth N$1,000 at the breakfast.